Hi everyone, its corey,

Mom and I are starting to write our new presentation that we will be giving to everyone at the brain injury conference in November. we have decided to name the talk on something Dedema used to say; “its not the challenge you face, its how you face the challenge”.

our last talks were about how to set up the house, the things that mom would need to get to make me even better, along with different therapies that I do at home and how to keep on fighting for more therapy.

Our new talk is simply about how we keep doing our every day activities never giving up and never giving in. Our mental exercising is harder then working with Natalie.

You all know that not every day is fun and most days are super frustrating. Most of the time, when I am frustrated I feel like saying; Really all I want is to be on my own and for no one else helping me dress or even help me go to the bathroom or walk. It’s like isn’t the whole point of this for me to be on my own? Now you know why I’m angry. I’m tired of having all these people around me.

I am thinking about it and I am really out of ideas to get through every day. mom tells me I am not alone in my feelings, however, truly it feels as though I am some days. So can you help me with ideas? Will you share what you do when you get angry and frustrated so that I can continue to push through my frustration? Can you help inspire me to keep getting through my day to get better?

Thank you for helping me today. I can not wait to read your messages tomorrow, xoxo