Hi Everyone,

We have a few updates for you.

First from Caitlin posted on her website, caitlinbeattie.com, via the BLOG link:

For my senior project for Photojournalism II, I need to create a 2 minute documentary video and I’ve chosen Corey as my subject. For this project I will be using Corey’s voice along with still images and video to tell her intimate perspective. Last week, through the combined efforts of family and friends, I have collected so many fantastic questions to ask Corey.

I’m so thankful for everyone who submitted questions!

Next step – interview!

Secondly, Corey’s Update
We worked with a substitute PT. After reviewing her regular exercise routine and the work we do at home, the ladies chose to focus on AB’s. Well, Corey had one heck of a workout today!

(Please note, there were 2 sets of 10 for each of the following exercises)

She starts with stretch warmup. Sitting on the edge of the matte, using a 2 pound sand ball, she leans forward to touch the floor then pulls up to lift the ball as high above her head as she can.

Next, holding the weighted ball in front of her with extended arms, Corey then rocked forward and back for balance and core strengthening…repeat…

Next, she moved onto her back on the matte. Using a large blue exercise ball (about 3′ in diameter) Corey placed her ankles on top of the ball, stiffened her legs and lifted her butt to bridge for reverse plank lifts…repeat…

(don’t forget she’s doing 2 sets of 10…are you tired reading this?…she’s just started)

Next, heels on top of the ball, she rolls the ball towards her butt bending her knees then rolls the ball forward…repeat…

Next, ball under her calfs and heels; feet together, knees roll as far right and left as she can rotating the hips. This stretches the back, outside thighs and hips…repeat…

Next, lifting her legs off the matte with knees bent, legs at 90 degree angle, she holds for a count of 10.

Next, crossing her feet, she moves her legs in a downward motion to touch the matte, then lifts immediately back up to 90 degree position…repeat as quickly as she can…(by the way, the touch down and lift up count as 1 rotation not 2)

Next, 90/90, Corey rolls onto her side. Knees and legs for a 90 degree angle. With control she lifts the leg maintaining the 90 degree…harder then it sounds…repeat on the opposite side

Did you think she was finished? Nope, off for a 400ft. round trip walk with her cane only to return to the matte for OT exercises with Anne for an additional hour’s session.

Corey has been working very hard both at Bryn Mawr and at home. She is riding her exercise bike almost every day for 15 to 20 minutes. We are practicing balancing at the kitchen island and taking laps around the house experimenting without the cane for a few steps. And we just added a new exercise at the kitchen sink. Corey stands with her feet at shoulder width apart about 6″ from the front edge of the sink. She reaches forward to hold on and bends at her waste as if she’s putting her head in the sink then pushes back up to a standing position. This is to work on her motion balance, strengthening her upper arms as well as her legs.

So…those of you who are too tired or too cold to go to the gym now have ideas to complete your workouts at home…NO EXCUSES…never give up and never give in…repeat! xoxo