Hi Everyone,

We are going to try to post eveyday but some days/nights are better then others. Corey had a good afternoon yesterday but last night didn’t lend itself to composing the carepage.

TBI fact;
Most statistical data collected about TBI survivors is for the first two years of recovery only.

As you all know from reading about Corey, she continues to excel 3 years and 5 months later. Yesterday, Corey walked over 400 feet to the out-patient gym to ride her recumbent bike. Unfortunately, It was occupied. That didn’t stop the ladies…Natalie and Corey turned around, walked back to the Neuro gym and practiced balancing and completed her exercises with some squats and marching holding onto the ballet bar. It was a strong leg day!

Imagine if all TBI patients had the opportunity to receive professional therapy for a minimum of 15 hours/week.

The brain and the body require daily stimulation in order to regenerate. If you haven’t had a chance to call your local state/federal representatives, please choose one, call and ask them if they are aware that TBI rehabilitation is underfunded across the nation. Not every state has waivers to supplement Medicaid funding and most waivers are closed or have extensive waiting lists. More critical is the fact that medicaid funding for rehabilitation is in constant jeopardy of budget cuts in every state in the union. Most private insurances as well as medicaid want to see functional improvement to keep approving coverage. Unfortunately, both are uneducated as to the length of time recovery requires across the survivors lifetime. They are short sighted; if TBI survivors had funded resources/services they actually would improve to regain functional improvement and most would rejoin their communities. Each year the gov’t spends 76 billion dollars to help supplement TBI patients that live with permanent disabilities as a result of their injuries. Imagine how that number would change if they were given a chance to thrive rather then just survive.

If you need research sources for your call, www.biaa.org The Brain Injury Association of America is a fabulous resource if you know of anyone that needs help with their new direction.
