We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called opportunity and it’s first chapter is New Year’s Day ~ Edith Lovejoy Pierce

It’s New Year’s Eve. most people prepare for the celebration by looking back over the last 365 days to reflect on what went wrong, what they wish they had achieved or started and never completed. Try to remember to look at what life gives us each day and maintain the hope in the possibilities that will continue to unfold. It’s up to us to make a choice to look for the opportnities that will direct us towards that end. My New Year’s wish is to recognize them.

The next year is not a time to hold onto the past and focus on the negatives, but rather look forward to another year learning how to grow, love and contiue to work towards the person we were meant to be. The days that lie ahead have not yeat happened and we can make them whatever we want them to be. This is not a wish; it’s a blessing, xoxo