Hi Everyone,
I can’t believe it’s Year 7…sevens are lucky…after last year, we’re ready…bring it on!

I apologize for our virtual absence. Corey’s fall November 15th of last year leveled us both; physically and cognitively for Corey, emotionally and spiritually for me. Corey lost almost all of what she worked so hard to regain. We both had to start over, AGAIN; bigger problem, I was barely holding onto what little energy I had. I lost my words from pure exhaustion. I’m not going to lie to you, it’s been dark. So dark at times I didn’t want to read my own writing. I swear we’ve worked harder this year than we did in year one to get through this setback.

Fortunately, a dear friend suggested I read Rising Strong by Brene Brown. I was happy for the referral but most grateful that my heart and mind were open to the messages I needed to read. Here are a few lessons that helped me rekindle my inner-strength…

‘The process of struggling and navigating hurt has as much to offer us as the process of being brave and showing up’.
‘Vulnerability is the birthplace of many experiences; Love, Belonging, Joy, Creativity and Trust. ‘The process of regaining our emotional footing in the midst of struggle is where our courage is tested and our values are forged’.
‘Rising Strong changes not just you, but also the people around you to bear witness to the human potential for transformation through vulnerability, courage and tenacity’.
‘Rising Strong demands the foundational beliefs of connection and requires wrestling with perspective, meaning and purpose’.

Every morning since April, I lie in bed and wrestle with those foundational beliefs. And every morning, luckily, they win…
Corey’s not going to get out of bed everyday if I don’t get up first.
Corey’s not going to walk if I don’t extend my hand to help her stand.
Corey’s not going to regain strength if she doesn’t exercise
Negative thoughts don’t help our healing/recovery
‘We can choose comfort or courage…we can’t have both’
Courage creates change – change won’t happen if we don’t get out of bed!

My morning affirmations – Corey’s recent achievements
‘Corey’s physical walking is straight, strong and balanced’ – Corey is walking 500’ in the grocery store again.
‘Corey’s memory is strong’ – Corey’s cognition is changing. She is more aware of her daily schedule, asking questions about her daily calendar, better emotional balance and some short-term memory sparks bridging to long-term memory.
‘Corey’s regained control and function of her left hand’ – Corey’s beginning to grasp crayons and wooden peg puzzle pieces with fine motor/ pincer grip.
‘Corey is social and comfortable making new friends’ (without me) – We have two young women Corey’s age coming to visit a few days a week. Corey’s learning how to overcome her anxiety of meeting new people, asking for assistance from others and working on her separation anxiety from me.

Courage is contagious…every day you wake up and face relearning something you once could do with ease. Every day you get mad at yourself because you can’t “do it” the way you used to and you’re mad at yourself because “its” not coming back fast enough. The courage it takes to want that change and fight for that change is the reason your story is contagious. We bear witness to your potential for transformation. Your courage, tenacity, vulnerability, expression of pain, process and perspective has helped me stay connected and keeps us learning from each other.
Although I do agree with you, “this is taking forever”, thank you for reminding me to Never Give Up and Never Give In, xoxo