trick or treat everyone!

today was a special day. It happened to be Halloween. me and caitlin my sister dressed up for, oh you know, bryn mawr.

we thought that every one would dress up and we were a little bit surprised that we were the only ones…that was not what everyone promised. everyone was jealous looking at us but really its the one day a year you can be something else. who would not want to participate in that?

so i dressed up as miss piggy and caitlin dressed up as a fortune teller. i thought that our costumes were good not just because they were the only ones but really they were good. we played guess who with Elaine which was a game we played when we were little and the only thing i remember is asking caitlin do you have a caterpillar on your face (i meant mustache but everyone knew what i meant cause i meant mustache).

so when we were all done for the day we met leah, Caitlin’s friend, and we all went to charming Charlie’s. i had a gift card from my birthday so we pretty much spent all of it. i got an owl necklace with pearls in it becauseq pearls are pretty much my favorite type of jewelry to wear.

overall i like to think we had a darn good day. so right now i am basically summing it all up and over all i don’t know how anyone can have a better day then us!

my favorite days are me and caitlins birthdays and johnpaul’s birthday and christmas, and do not forget moms birthday is mixed in there too.

so i guess that calls it a night for tonight and hopefully i will have something more to say tomorrow.

good night everyone. please sleep well if you can.
goodnight xoxo corey

PS look at the picture of me and caitlin.