Hi Everyone,

Great news…the wheelchair was approved!!

My friend Nanci mentioned her two favorite words on Friday; persistence and perseverance. I must admit, when i read her post I wasnt feeling the energy those words can create and navigating the healthcare world requires both! Sometimes we have to step away from the challenge in order to release the negative energy it creates in order to regroup and change our perspective. For me that meant cleaning out the garage (reorganizing and cleaning is a great stress release for me!)

We all have daily challenges we face. Each issue is very different but as long as we try to use those two little words, and add ‘patience’, we will overcome whatever we have to face.

(if that doesn’t work, i highly recommend the ‘pitch and throw’ method for cleaning out a garage)

Thank you Natalie for writing multiple letters, Dr Long for signing off and making peer to peer calls, Mr M our case manager, and Miss L his supervisor who called the director of all Medical Directors and to Caitlin for taking the night shift tonight giving me the opportunity to get a full nights sleep.

I still have a few more appeals pending but I can rest well knowing this one is settled. What a relief!!
Good night all, Happy Dreams, xoxo